difference between open cast mining shaft miningcation

  • What is the difference between opencast mining and

      Opencast mining is famous for coal mining in India and many other countriesShaft mining : The word 'shaft' refers to deep bores In the shaft mining, deep bores are created to reach mineral   difference between open cast mining , shaft mining and drilling Share with your friends Share 2 1 Open cast mining in which large pits are dug to excavate the ores lying at shallow depths beneath the surface of the earth Minerals that lie near the difference between open cast mining , shaft mining   When we think of mining we think dusty, dark, unflattering settings In contraire it is quite in fact the opposite So what is open cast mining? Open cast mining is the removal of rocks or sediments that contains minerals, with economically important elements The advantages of open cast mining: • More cost effective, than shaft miningWhat is the difference between opencast

  • difference between open cast and shaft mining

      difference between open cast and shaft mining What is the difference between open cast mining and quarrying? Opencast Mining: Quarry It is for those minerals which lie close to the surface of the earth Used where commercially useful minerals are found near the surface Extracted using Earthmoving machineryWhat is the difference between open cast mining and   what is the difference between an open pit mine a quarry and an Opencast mining, shaft miningquarrying can any one give Aug 18, 2008 and later by underground methods The Big hole »More detaileddifference between open pit mining and shaft mining

  • Difference Between Open Pit Mine Quarry

    what is the difference between an open pit mine a quarry Opencast mining, shaft miningquarrying can any one give Aug 18, 2008 and later by underground methods  Open pit mining Quarry Underground mining with shaft Done for those minerals which lie close to the surface of the earth Used for mining minerals at shallow depths Minerals which lie at great depths below the surface of the earth Used where commercially useful what is the difference between an open pit mine a   Openpit, opencast or open cut mining is a surface mining technique of extracting rock or minerals from the earth by their removal from an open pit or borrow A quarry is a place from which dimension stone, rock, construction aggregate, riprap, sand, gravel, or What is the difference between an open pit mine ,a

  • Differences between underground mining and open

      The Witwatersrand gold mine in South Africa is an excellent example of underground mining that exploits gold from ancient rocks at depths of up to 4 km underground What is open pit mining On the other hand, openpit mining is the most common mining and ranges from very lowpriced minerals to finely disseminated gold deposits